Lauminas Lady Chocolate

Latvijas  čempione
Igaunijas čempione 

Dzimusi: 31.07.2011
Šokolādes krāsas kuce
Acis Tīras


Suns ar visskaistākajām brūnajām acīm, ko es jebkad esmu satikusi! Vienīgā šokolādes sunce, kas spēj man radīt sajūsmu!

Čoko ir ļoti īpašs suns.. Viņa ir suns ar neskaitāmiem talantiem, savu raksturu, un nebeidzamu mīlestību. Viņa ir ārkārtīgi līdzīga man (vai es viņai) un mums abām ir tendence rādīt savu attieksmi un raksturu.. lai vai kā- nav labi tā teikt, jo pārējie suņi varētu uzmest lūpu, bet viņa ir mana luteklīte..

CHOCO ciltsraksti   

Teepee Teodori Cee Cesar HD:ED/AA:00 chocolate Countryloves's Choose Me HD:ED/AA:00 chocolate Loresho Ozzie
Beechroft Country Girl
Gwendolin Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury HD:ED/BB:00 chocolate Tjotte's Buffalo Bandit
Elektra Gorska Fantazja
Richie Greysylvan           HD:ED/AA:00 chocolate Sylvan Gorska Fantazja HD:ED/AA:00 black Warringah's Cobb
Wenus Gorska Fantazja
Svetes Greja Fergus HD:ED/AA:00 chocolate Stromley Furgus
Svetes Aira Stanley

Choco izstāžu rezultāti   

Liepāja Nacional All breed show, 09.12.2012 intermediate exc-1, CQ, BF-3 Vilmoš Kardoš (HU) 16.m.old, brown, typical female, nice temp., beautiful head, correct bite, v.g. neck, compact body, g.bone and angulation, excelent tail, nice colour, excelent coat quality
Riga, 15.12.2012 intermediate exc-1, CQ, BF-5 A.Belkin  
Talsi Nacional All breed show, 20.04.2013 intermediate exc-1, CQ, BF-3 Tino Pehar (HOR) 18.m.old, strong bones, femine head and expression,Correct tail set, good angulation, should have better developed ribbage, v.g.movement
Talsi Nacional All breed show, 21.04.2013 intermediate exc-1, CQ, BF-1, CAC, BOB Tijana Conrad (SERB) Nice head, g.teeth, good neck, chest enought deep, good topline, correct angulation, tail well set and carried, good attitudes, good movement
Valmiera Nacional All breed show, 23.02.2014 open exc-1, CQ, BF-1, CAC, BOO Olga Gracheva (RUS)  
Talsi Nacional All Bred show, 03.05.2014 open Exc-2, CQ, BF-4 Kornelija Butrimova (LT) good size and ex.bones, femen, correct eyes and ears, correct set tail, good angulation of querters, good temperiment, too long coat on topline. (?)
Talsi Nacional All breed show, 04.05.2014 open exc-1, CQ, BF-3 Jo Schepers (NL) 2.y.old, very nice bitch, good proportions, very nice head, good ears, teeth, g.topline and tail, g.angulations, very musculated, compact feet. Nice coat, very good colour, good in movement. Very nice temperiment.
Hunting dog Breed Speciality Show, Estonia, 10.05.2014 open exc-1, BF-1, EST CAC, BOB Tuus Van Adrichem Boogaert Kwint (NL) Very kind head, beautiful eye colour and expression, very good ears, good neck and shoulders, good ribs and hindquerters, very good coat, good bone and feet, nicley presented, movement ok.
Valmiera Nacional All breed show, 11.10.2015 open exc-1, CQ, BF-3 Margaret Ogorman (BY) g. overall outline, g.coat colour and quality, nice facial expression, g.eye colour, size and shape. G.ear set, nice reach of neck, g.forechest, nice lay of shoulders, good rear angulation, nice tail set and nice shape, good in movement
Valmiera Nacional all breed show 20.02.2016 open exc-1, , CQ, BF-1, CAC, BOB, VALMIERA's WINNER 2016 R.Lochs-Romans (NL) 4.years old, in great condition from nose to tail- all what I like to see in Labradors. Strong, ex colour, beautifull tail. Correct lenght of tail, moving very easy, covers a lot of ground.
Retrievers Speciality Show, Riga 10.04.2016 champion exc-2, CQ, BF-3
Tuus Van Adrichem Boogaert Kwint (NL) Lovely head and expression, beautifull eye colour, nice ears, v.g.front and rear. Nice tailset, good ribs, very good coat, moves well.